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Letter 26

Anastasia, 13 y.o.

Dear Santa, My name is Anastasiia, and I am 13 years old. I have tried to be good this year! Some things I would love for Christmas this year are candies and toys. Thank you!

Letter 27

Anna, 11 y.o.

In my drawing, I depicted markers by numbers. I hope that my dream will come true.

Letter 28

Oleksandr, 10 y.o.

Dear Santa, My name is Oleksandr, and I am 10 years old. I have tried to be good this year! For Christmas, I would like to receive a sword with laser illumination. Thank you!

Letter 29

Pavlo, 11 y.o.

Dear Santa! I study in the fourth grade. In my free time, I like to play football with my friends. In the future, I want to become a famous football player and glorify Ukraine and my native village. I dream of a leather ball. I believe that dreams do come true! Thank you, Zhenya Pulik.

Letter 30

Dasha,  8 y.o.

Dear Santa! I study in the second grade. My brother and I live with our grandparents. I really like goodies. I dream of a doll with a stroller. I will be very grateful for the gift. Dasha Kravchenko.

Letter 31

 Vadym, 7 y.o

Dear Santa, My name is Vadym, and I am 7 years old. I have tried to be good this year! For Christmas I would like to receive tennis rackets and a soccer ball. Thank you!

Letter 32

 Alisa, 7 y.o

Dear Santa, My name is Alisa, and I am 7 years old. I have tried to be good this year! For Christmas, I would really like to receive a children's crown, plasticine, a wristwatch and sweets.. Thank you!

Letter 33

 Sofiia, 10 y.o.

Dear Santa, My name is Sofiia, and I am 10 years old. I have tried to be good this year! For Christmas I would really like to get sweets and a new tracksuit for my height of 135 cm. Thank you!

Letter 34

Danil, 10 y.o.

Dear Santa, My name is Danil, and I am 10 years old. I have tried to be good this year! For Christmas I would really like to get sweets and a cell phone. Thank you!

Letter 35

Alina,  8 y.o.

Santa! My name is Alina Blum. I study in the 3rd grade, I already read and count well. I behave well, but sometimes I argue with my older sister. I am also engaged in music and dancing. And I really want a smart watch! I love you and thank you for protecting us from Heaven!

Letter 36

Anastasia, 11 y.o.

Dear Santa! I am Nastya Blum, I study in the 5th grade. This year we have already started learning Polish. I already help my mother at home and in the garden. I also practice karate and already have two belts - white and orange. My coach says that athletes should drink natural juice often. So I wish I had a real juicer! Love you!

Letter 37

 Valentyn, 10 y.o

Dear Santa! I was a good boy this year. I helped my parents and tried to study well. I took care of the dog Tera and the cat Tysha. I am asking you to give me a ukulele because I have a dream to learn to play a musical instrument.

Letter 38

 Tymofij, 8 y.o.

Dear Santa. I was a polite boy, I sat well in class. I took care of the dog Thera and helped my grandmother and sister. I want a tablet so that I don't sit on a laptop, but sit on a tablet during lessons. And I will be polite next year.

Letter 39

Sergij, 13 y.o.

Dear Santa! My name is Sergey Levchenko, I am 13 years old. I live in Mykhailivska hromada. I like to fish. I have sisters. Our grandmother is raising us. I love them very much. I try to be polite. If you can, give me a watch so I can keep track of time. And a cap to go fishing when the sun doesn't burn. I also dream that my relatives are healthy. I sincerely hope you will receive my letter. I'm waiting, see you soon. Sergey.

Letter 40

Kyrylo,  7 y.o.

Hello, Santa! I am Chelter Kyrylo, a first-grader. I am raised by my grandmother, whom I love very much. I am polite and obedient, so I hope that you will visit me. I dream of a machine on the remote control, and when I grow up I will buy one myself. I will wait for you with impatience. Kirill

Letter 41


Good day, Santa! My name is Oleksiy, I honestly say that I am not very obedient, but I try. Forgive me for this, because I am still a child and I have time to correct myself. I, like every child, have dreams. And one of them, or rather two, will receive a shoulder bag and a ball as a gift. Sincerely, Oleksii!

Letter 42


Santa! Angelina Yashchenko is writing to you. Thank you for not forgetting me last year. This year I really tried to be polite. I started to study better. I have good grades. I want there to be peace, the war is over. My dream is to get cosmetics to be beautiful and a handbag. I am waiting for you!

Letter 43

 Alisa, 5 y.o.

Dear Santa, My name is Alisa, and I am 5 years old. I have tried to be good this year! Some things I would love for Christmas this year are candies and toys. Thank you!

Letter 44

Oleksandr, 10 y.o.

Dear Santa, My name is Oleksandr, and I am 10 years old. I have tried to be good this year! Some things I would love for Christmas this year are candies and toys. Thank you!

Letter 45

Arthur, 13 y.o.

Dear Santa, my name is Arthur, I dream of getting Bluetooth headphones for Dear Santa, I want you to give them to me.

Letter 46

Jasmina, 9 y.o.

I, Cheremukhina Jasmina, live in Ukraine, Novomykolaivka village. I study in the 4th grade. I want to be a hairdresser.

Letter 47

 Matviy, 9 y.o

Dear Santa, My name is Matviy, and I am 9 years old. I have tried to be good this year! For Christmas, I would really like to receive goods for creativity (plasticine, paints) and sweets. Thank you!

Letter 48

Tymofiy, 7 y.o.

Dear Santa, My name is Tymofiy, and I am 7 years old. I have tried to be good this year! Some things I would love for Christmas this year are candies and toys. Thank you!

Letter 49

Vladyslav, 9 y.o.

Dear Santa, My name is Vladyslav, and I am 9 years old. I have tried to be good this year! Some things I would love for Christmas this year are candies and toys. Thank you!

Letter 50

Iryna,  10 y.o.

Dear Santa! Iryna Ivashchenko is writing a letter to you. I will be 10 years old, and it so happened that I live with my grandmother. I really want to have makeup, but my grandmother is not able to buy it for me yet. I will be very happy if a miracle happens.

If you want to purchase/send clothes, toys, or other gifts from somewhere other than Amazon, please contact Nataliia Yakushko:
 Tel: 201-450-5988
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